Terms of sale
Delivery is made within the following average times (given purely as an indication):
• Italy: 7 days
• Europe: 12 days
• Rest of the world: 20 days
GasUp.it cannot be held liable for any delays should they be caused by circumstances beyond its control. If such a delay continues for more than 45 days, either of the parties may withdraw without any compensation being due to the other party.
All products sold through Gasup.it are covered by the official Italian warranty of the manufacturer (Italian Decree Law 24/02). To use the warranty, keep the invoice together with the products you have ordered.
Pursuant to Italian Decree Law No. 185 of 22/05/99 reserved for natural persons, it shall be possible to withdraw from the purchase agreement for any reason whatsoever by sending, within 10 days from receiving the package, a recorded delivery letter with return receipt to Gasup.it, Via Guido Rossa, 15 – 31010 Ponte della Priula (TV), Italy, stating the wish to withdraw. In this case, upon sending a fax to the number (0039) 0438.759158 and quoting the customer code to be found on the invoice, the customer may agree the refund of the paid sum or replacement of the product. The right to withdraw is subject to the following conditions:
• the right is applicable to the entire and intact purchased product
• the product must be intact and returned in the original packaging
• the expenses of dispatch shall be charged to the customer
• the dispatch shall be under the responsibility of the customer until the product is received and accepted by our warehouse
• the product shall be inspected upon its arrival; whenever anomalies or partial damage are found, Gasup.it shall negotiate a refund up to 40% of the value of the product
If all the aforesaid conditions are satisfied, Gasup.it shall refund the customer, within 30 days from receiving the goods, through a credit transfer to the bank that the customer shall indicate in the recorded delivery letter notifying withdrawal.
The right of the customer is forfeited if:
• the paint or coating has been interfered with and is no longer recoverable
In this case Gasup.it shall send the product back to the customer with expenses charged to the latter.
Although the contents of the site have been fully screened by Gasup.it, the editors accept no liability in the event of imperfections, errors or omissions. Gasup.it may change names, definitions, technical data and pictures of the products without notice. The photos are shown purely as an indication and have no contractual value.
Gasup.it shall not be held liable for any accident or damage that occurs after the sale and shall not compensate any costs except those of the actual product.
The prices are given inclusive of VAT.